Relive the beauty of Christmas of the past open up opportunities for seniors to remember with our Christmas Reminiscing Questions! Use these special questions to spark conversation with seniors in your aged care facility!
Christmas in the Past
Christmas many years ago was a lot different to the Christmas days we have now, money was scarce, gifts were handmade and lots of families spent Christmas together. Families had their own Christmas traditions and rituals. A great time to start the Christmas reminiscing is when decorating the facility with everyone or sitting around a large table making paper chains, homemade cards and decorations.

Have Christmas carols playing in the background. Here are some questions to ask your residents in aged care and to help get the ball rolling at your Christmas reminiscing activity.
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Christmas Reminiscing Questions for Seniors
1. Did you celebrate Christmas with family?
2. Did you go to church on Christmas eve or Christmas day?
3. Did you have special traditions for Christmas in your family?
4. If you grew up in the war years and things were hard to get what was Christmas day like?
5. How did you make Christmas day special on a tight budget?
6. When things were hard to get children sometimes got fruit and sweets in a stocking for Christmas, did you?
7. Did you receive homemade gifts or store-bought gifts?
8. What type of food was served on Christmas day at your home?
9. Did you ever get a coin in your Christmas pudding?
10. Did you put up a Christmas tree and decorate it in your home?
11. What is your favourite Christmas song?
12. What was the one thing you received as a child for Christmas that you really loved and treasured?
13. Did you make your own Christmas puddings and cakes?
14. Did you handwrite and send out Christmas cards every year?
15. Did you or your children leave a drink or snack out for Santa?
16. As a child what was the most memorable Christmas for you?
17. How old were you when you realized the truth about Santa and how did you feel?