Arranging the ice cream van to visit your aged care facility and serve everyone a cone or small cup of soft serve is a great activity and treat!
Here in Australia, the “Mr. Whippy” van was a very much-loved visitor in our local streets for years. We knew he was arriving as he played the music “Greensleeves” on a loudspeaker and drove slowly. This allows everyone time to find some money and run out to the street verge and wait with excitement for him to reach their house. This usually happened on a Saturday or Sunday when children were all home from school.

Reliving a pleasant childhood experience
You may be able to negotiate with the ice cream man a special price for your residents. Paying for the ice cream could be the resident’s responsibility or there could be some fundraising towards the cost of the ice cream cones. If you are lucky enough to have a local ice cream van in your area, it is a worthwhile activity and treat!

Get him to play the music on his loudspeaker when he arrives. Take as many residents as possible to meet him. Let them enjoy eating their ice cream outdoors and watch for the big smiles!
Alternative Idea if you don’t have an Ice Cream Van
For those who aren’t lucky enough to have a local ice cream van, you can still set up a weekly ice cream day.
We would have a trolley which we wheeled through the corridors visiting everyone’s room. Offer them an ice cream treat before arriving in the lounge area where everyone congregates to pass out ice cream.
Of course, we played “Greensleeves” on a speaker to let them know we were arriving. The cost of the ice cream came out of our monthly budget.
Decorate your ice cream trolley like the classic ice cream cart.