Check out our Bean Bag Toss! A form of exercise for seniors in aged care! This light exercise game is a popular choice for aged care facilities. We’ve provided a few examples below to illustrate different variations, allowing you to choose the best fit for your activity.
Equipment needed:
You can make a mat using a white sheet marked with a permanent marker. You can print or follow our templates below. Mark the mat with numbers, placing the higher ones at the top. Every number has a boundary line drawn around them. Tape the mat to the floor with masking tape on each corner.

How to Play the Bean Bag Toss:
Ask teams to choose a name for their team for the day.
Make a line with masking tape on the floor as a point where the bean bags are thrown from,
2 meters away from the mat or less than 2 meters, depending on the strength level of your seniors. Make two teams and seat them on each side of the mat and throwing point.

Each player stands at the line and throws a bean bag onto the mat trying to land on the highest number.
Have a chair near the throwing line for residents who would like to sit and throw the bean bag.
Each player has six throws and their score is added together and written on the whiteboard under their team’s name, also record their name next to the score as the highest two scorers for the day may win a prize.

If the bean bag lands on the line around the number there is no score the bean bag must land inside the line.
In my experience hosting this game in aged care, seniors have a lot of fun and it can get very competitive.
We hope you enjoy this game in your aged care center or with seniors at home.