Ready to take a trip down memory lane? Put your game face on, dust off your knowledge, and challenge yourselves with Memory Lane Therapy’s Guess This Occupation Quiz! We made this quiz specifically for seniors in aged care!

We guarantee this quiz will bring back amazing memories and stimulate conversations about interesting occupations from yesteryear. Get ready for a fun and social activity! You can enjoy it individually or in groups, fostering connection and a sense of accomplishment.
Let’s see how well you remember these fascinating jobs!
Here’s What You’ll Find in This Guess this Occupation Quiz
- Get ready to test your brainpower! We’ve got a collection of fun trivia questions! These will jog your memory and bring back some nostalgic fun. You’ll find these questions challenging yet fun!
- More than just a good time! Discover the surprising benefits of playing memory games for seniors! These includes keeping your mind sharp and fostering social connections. This will shape your community and build lasting friendship and teamwork!
- Take the quiz on the go! Download a free, printable A4 version of the trivia questions to enjoy anytime, anywhere. You can print these quiz copies and distribute them to your beloved residents.
Benefits of Guess this Occupation Quiz!
- Stronger opening: “Ready to take a trip down memory lane?” is more engaging than just “Here is one to get them reminiscing!”
- Focuses on benefits: Highlights the fun, social aspects and the benefits for memory.
- Creates anticipation: Briefly mentions the quiz format without giving away all the details.

- Benefits breakdown: Lists the benefits of playing the quiz and using the website.
- Smooth promotion: Integrates website exploration and newsletter signup seamlessly.
Take the Guess this Occupation Quiz Now!
1. I would deliver messages to people’s homes and business’s usually on my bike before telephones and better communication were available, my job was very important. I would deliver messages on peoples wedding days from guests that could not attend sometimes the messages were funny. When the war was on if I came to your house with a message it would make the occupants very worried, what was my occupation?
(A) Telegram boy or Telegram messenger
2. Back in England I would walk through the town streets ringing a bell and yelling out the news and important announcements as many townspeople did not read (illiterate) then I would place the day’s news on the local inn’s door for the folks that could read to look at, what was I called?
(A) Town Crier or Bellman
3. I worked in department stores ushering people up and down the floors of the building, I would usually call out at which floor they had arrived at like 3rd floor women’s shoes & men’s apparel. What was my profession?
(A) Elevator Operator
4. Before electricity was available I went around the streets providing light and then putting the lights out, they were gas lights, what was my job?
(A) Lamp Lighter

5. I was very popular in the modern home I would get up early and deliver milk & cream in bottles before the day was to warm to spoil it usually leaving it at your front door?
(A) Milkman
6. Before alarm clocks were invented I went house to house tapping on peoples windows or shooting peas into the glass to wake the occupants I was known as a human alarm clock but what was my official title?
(A) Knocker-upper
7. Ten pin bowling is a popular game but before machines were invented to pick up the fallen pins young kids were employed to do so they were known as?
(A) Pinsetter
8. I helped people with phone calls they would have to ask me to help them to connect when phones were new and difficult or ask me for phone numbers?
(A) Telephonist or Phone Operator

9. I worked at a petrol or fuel station I would fill up your car, wash your car windows, check your oil & water for you?
(A) Petrol Bowser Operator or Fuel Attendant.
(very rare these days)
10. I visited homes door to door selling well made sets of books known to be very useful for school children studying at home. The books were usually bound in leather and numbered you could pay off a set by instalments payments, I was known as?
(A) Encyclopedia Salesperson
11. I worked in an office and was trained to scribble down notes quickly then type them out on a typewriter?
(A) Shorthand Typist
12. I was paid by Doctors and Medical people to collect blood sucking creatures that were thought to cure diseases in their patients through blood letting. I would use my own legs or legs of animals to stand in water to collect these sucking creatures?
(A) Leech Collector
13. I would deliver big cold blocks to your house or business to keep your food cold usually placed in timber cupboards with zinc or tin lined walls?
(A) Ice Man
14. I worked at night clubs, sporting events and would wear a uniform, pillar hat and carry my goods in a tray that was hung around my neck. The items I sold were very popular but these days looked down on and considered bad for your health, so my occupation does no longer exist?
(A) Cigarette Girl
15. I would be employed to try someone’s meal if they were Royal or important to see if the meal was poisoned?
(A) Food Taster
16. I was employed in the Victorian era to collect and kill rodents a job mostly done by young boys?
(A) Rat Catcher
Key Takeaway
The Guess this Occupation Quiz offers a delightful experience for seniors in aged care, unlocking a treasure trove of memories. It’s more than just a quiz; it’s a captivating journey back in time.
- Reminiscing about Yesteryear: Each question acts as a prompt, sparking conversations and laughter as participants recall familiar occupations from their younger days. They can share stories about encounters with these professions, creating a warm sense of nostalgia.
- Mental Agility Boost: Beyond the fun, the quiz provides a valuable cognitive workout. It challenges memory, keeping the mind active and engaged. Successfully guessing the occupations offers a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction, further stimulating the brain.
- Social Connection and Friendship: The quiz fosters a sense of community and belonging. Participating together allows seniors to connect, share experiences, and build new friendships. The lively discussions and shared laughter create a positive and engaging social atmosphere.
So, the Guess this Occupation Quiz is a multi-faceted benefit – a delightful trip down memory lane, a mental exercise to keep cognitive gears turning, and a chance to build social connection and friendship.
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