Presenting Memory Lane Therapy’s Guess the Movie Quiz! Engage your residents in a fun-filled activity guessing iconic movie lines. Seniors in aged care will love this classic movie quiz, ask them if they can identify which movie each line is from and then you can reminisce about what they loved about that movie and actors.

Quiz Benefits for Seniors
Engaging in quizzes can be a delightful activity for seniors in aged care, offering both mental stimulation and social connection. Here’s why:
- Sharpens the Mind: Quizzes act like a mental workout, challenging memory and recall. This helps keep cognitive skills sharp and may even delay age-related decline.
- Boosts Mood: Answering questions correctly triggers the release of dopamine, a feel-good chemical in the brain. This can elevate mood and promote a sense of accomplishment.
- Connects People: Quizzes can be done individually or in groups, fostering conversation and friendly competition. This social interaction helps combat loneliness and isolation, common concerns for seniors in aged care.
- Sparks Joy: Recalling trivia or learning new facts can be genuinely enjoyable. Quizzes provide a lighthearted and stimulating activity that brings a sense of fun and laughter.
Answer the Guess the Movie Quiz for Seniors Now!
1. There’s no place like home
Wizard of Oz
2. Show me the money
Jerry Maguire
3. I’ll have what she’s having
When Harry met Sally
4. They may take our lives but they Will never take our freedom
Braveheart (William Wallace)
5. Stupid is as stupid does
Forest Gump
6. We are on a mission from God
The Blue Brothers
7. Come up and see me some time
Blue Angel
8. Love means never having to say sorry
Love story
9. Every time a bell rings an angel gets its wings
It’s a wonderful life (James Stewart)
10. That’s not a knife
Crocodile Dundee
11. Here’s looking at you kid

12. Fasten your seat belts it’s going to be a bumpy night
All about Eve
13. But Miss Scarlett
Gone with the Wind
14. Oh you can’t get a man with a gun
Annie Oakley (Doris Day)
15. Its Alive Its Alive!
16. A boy’s best friend is his mother
17. We are going to need a bigger boat
18. Life is like a box of chocolates
Forest Gump
19. I’ll be back
20. Play it again Sam
21. Make my day
Dirty Harry (Clint Eastwood)
22. Frankly my dear I don’t give a damn
Gone with the Wind
23. Nobody puts Baby in the corner
Dirty Dancing
24. I’d rather have 30 minutes of wonderful than a lifetime of nothing special
Steel Magnolias
25. Phone home
26. May the force be with you
Star Wars
27. Of all the bars in all the world you had to walk into mine
28. Run Forest Run
Forest Gump
29. Do you feel lucky, do ya? Punk!
Dirty Harry (Clint Eastwood)
30. More please
31. Mrs. Robinson your trying to seduce me?
The Graduate (Dustin Hoffman)
32. Elementary my dear Watson
The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes