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    Laundry day used to be a big part of our seniors’ weekly routine. Of course, some of them won’t forget the days full of hard work and familiar traditions. That’s why Memory Lane Therapy came up with the Washing Day Quiz for seniors in aged care. A fun way to revisit those memories, bringing back the days when washing clothes was a special task. This quiz not only provides a bit of fun but also helps spark memories and stories from the past, making it a great way to spend time together.

    Senior in aged care facilitating the famous relatives Quiz

    You can find the A4 printable version at the bottom of this page.

    Why the Washing Day Quiz is Great

    More than just a fun and interactive quiz, the Washing Day Quiz has many benefits for seniors. Some of the notable benefits are the following:

    • Keeps the Mind Active: Encourages seniors to think back to the old days, helping with memory retention and cognitive sharpness.
    • Supports Brain Health: Acts as a mental exercise, which can help in maintaining overall brain health and reducing the risk of cognitive decline.
    • Strengthens Bonds: Offers a great way for caregivers and seniors to bond over shared experiences and memories.
    • Promotes Emotional Well-being: Triggering positive memories can uplift mood and improve mental health.

    Answer the Washing Day Quiz Now!

    1. What two groups do you need to sort laundry into before washing? (A) Whites and colors 

    2. Name the first washing powder starting with P ? (A) Persil

    3. What day was traditionally the washing day? (A) Monday

    4. What was used before ironing to make doilies, men’s collars and school uniforms crisp and smooth when ironed? (A) Starch

    5. What was the name of the big cast iron pot filled with water and heated from underneath by a fire?  It also had a lid and a paddle to stir the washing and was usually outside? (A) Copper – as the cast iron pot was lined with copper

    6. What was another name for a mechanical wringer used to squeeze the water out of the washing starting with M ? (A) Mangle

    7. In the 60’s Hoover made a new washer that made wash days much easier it was called the Twin what? (A) Tub


    8. An old fashioned iron ( before electricity ) with a wooden handle and detachable iron bottoms used for pressing clothes was heated on the top of what?  (A) Wood stove

    9. What was the process of sprinkling water over washed articles and rolling them up called before ironing? (A) Dampening down

    10. In the final rinse what was Reckitt’s blue bag and its blue water supposed to do for all the white washing? (A) Make the whites even whiter

    11. Which washing machine in the 50s was known as the “poor man’s washing machine”? (A) The Hoover Hand Wringer Washing Machine (because of its price and affordability)

    12. What was an old fashioned washing soap called starting with S and named after a sunny day? (A) Sunlight

    13. When drying clothes on a rack inside the home, maybe even in front of the fire, what animal is the clothes rack named after? (A) Clothes Horse

    14. These days people live in apartments and units and don’t have room for a clothesline. How do they dry their clothes? (A) Electric clothes dryer

    Wrapping It Up

    The Washing Day Quiz is more than just a fun activity—it’s a way to bring back happy memories and enjoy some quality time with others. By taking part in this quiz, seniors can enjoy a bit of brain exercise, share stories, and feel a sense of connection. It’s a wonderful way to celebrate the past and keep those special memories alive.

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