Looking for a heartwarming and uplifting craft activity for seniors? Look no further! Memory Lane Therapy presents the Happiness Jar Activity for Seniors in Aged Care, a delightful project that brings smiles and positivity to all levels of abilities. These lovely mason jars (or any container of your choice) are filled with affirmations and positive words on slips of paper, providing a wonderful pick-me-up whenever someone needs it.
This calming and engaging activity promotes a sense of well-being and reminds participants to focus on the good things in life. It will surely lighten the feelings of those who will read it!
Happiness Jar Essentials
- Clean Glass Jar with a Lid
- Colored or Patterned Paper (or Sticky Notes)
- Scissors
- Pen or Marker
- Decorative Materials (e.g. Ribbons, Stickers, Washi Tapes)
How to Make the Happiness Jar
To create a Happiness Jar, find a clean glass jar with a lid and gather colored paper, scissors, and a pen. Fill the jar with these affirmations facing inward. Display the jar in a visible spot and use it by pulling out a slip whenever you need a dose of positivity. Optionally, refresh the content regularly with new affirmations to keep the jar brimming with motivation and joy.
Printable A4-sized Affirmative and Motivational Quote templates can be downloaded for FREE at the bottom of this page.
Step 1 – Gather Materials
Get a clean glass jar with a lid, colored paper or sticky notes, scissors, and a pen or marker. Choose a glass jar with a lid that is clean and free from any labels or stickers. It can be any size you prefer, but a medium-sized jar works well.

Step 2 – Prepare the Affirmations
You can choose to either create your positive affirmations and uplifting words or conveniently use available printable affirmations. If you choose the printable option, simply download the affirmations, print them out, and then cut them into individual slips.

Step 3 – Fill the Jar
You can choose to either roll the slips of paper into small scrolls or fold them into neat squares before gently placing them inside the jar.

Step 4 – Decorate the Jar
You can add a personal touch, by decorating the jar. You can tie a ribbon around the neck of the jar, use stickers to add motivational quotes or images, or apply washi tape to create a decorative border.

We have included an instructional video below.
Download your printable PDF copy of Happiness Jar Activity for Seniors