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    Exercise can boost the well-being of seniors with dementia. It’s a fantastic, drug-free way to improve mood and reduce challenging behaviors like agitation, sundowning, and sleep disturbances. Presenting you 10 Ideas for Physical Activity and Exercise for Seniors with Dementia.

    It is important to choose physical activities that are pleasurable and safe for the seniors’ capacity level. Staying active can enhance sleep, strength, flexibility, and circulation. Exercising is additionally a great way to reduce fall risk and can reduce pain. Plus, it’s a fantastic way to boost mood and self-esteem.

    a senior and a caregiver doing exercise

    We explain how to encourage persons with dementia to stay active and share 10 great exercising ideas for all different levels of mobility.

    How To Motivate Someone with Dementia To Do Exercise

    Encouraging persons with dementia to do some physical activity may often be difficult, specifically if they haven’t exercised regularly in the past.

    It can benefit if not referred to as exercise, but as just a regular everyday task in their day-to-day routine or as an exciting pastime event like a disco party.

    Another thing to consider is that persons with dementia have difficulty beginning activities on their own and remembering sequences. So it’s recommended to exercise with your elderly adult. This way, you can show the movements keep the pace to a minimum, and assist when required. Being in a position to copy your movement can make it a stress-free and more pleasurable activity for your senior in care.

    Assisting them in a workout may feel like yet another thing to pack into your busy day, but it’s an excellent way to minimize challenging behaviors and reduce sundowning symptoms – plus it gets you exercising too! 

    10 Physical Activities for seniors with dementia


    One of the most pleasant ways to get the body moving (and it doesn’t cost a thing!) Whether it’s around the house or outside for some sunshine and fresh air, any amount of time spent walking is going to benefit blood flow for a healthy body and mind. Incorporate it into daily routines like walking the dog or a walk to the grocery store.

    Sitting and standing exercise

    These help to exercise the muscles needed for essential activities like using the toilet. Sitting on a chair with toes back beneath the knees simply standing up off the chair and sitting back down for a repetition of about 10 times consecutively every day is a great way to strengthen muscles. Depending on the level of mobility, aids like a walker or handrail may be needed, safety is number 1. 

    Simple stretching while lying on the bed

    Move different parts of the body and stretch stiff muscles, this can be done assisted or independently.

    Chair stretches

    Here is a great Head-to-toe seated chair exercise for Seniors that focuses on maintaining and improving range of motion. Doing this exercise regularly can improve strength, flexibility, and blood circulation. This is also an effective way to reduce fall risk and can help reduce pain.


    Simple activities in the garden like raking leaves, sweeping, and pulling up weeds are great ways to keep the body active and it also gives a sense of accomplishment. 

    Household duties

    Basic chores like folding laundry, dusting, light vacuuming, or washing the car can be great exercises for seniors. 

    Tai Chi

    A gentle exercise that helps seniors improve balance and prevent falls. It consists of making slow, graceful movements while breathing deeply. Here are some great Tai Chi movements shown in the video. 

    Exercise class

    Some senior centers or similar organizations offer classes specifically for people with dementia.

    Water exercise

    consider going with your older adult to a local class at the YMCA or senior center.

    Singing & Dancing

    whether it’s seated or on your feet, moving, singing, and clapping along to old favorite songs is a great way to get the body moving and promote a happy mood. Sing-along for Seniors is a useful tool for your group activity time. 

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