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    Discover the joy of playing a life-size version of “Hungry Hippos.” Yes, you read that right! In this article, Memory Lane Therapy will take you on a wild ride through this oversized, laughter-filled activity that’s turning seniors into Real-life Hungry Hippos champions!

    To all the dedicated aged care coordinators out there, your commitment to keeping seniors active and entertained is truly commendable. While classic activities like bingo and card games hold their charm, it’s your innovative spirit that transforms aging gracefully into a journey filled with excitement and laughter.

    Click the link at the bottom of this article for the A4 printable instruction.

    Game Setup:

    Bringing “Life-Size Hungry Hippos” to the world of wheelchairs adds an inclusive and exciting twist to the game. Here’s how to set up the game to ensure every senior can join in the fun:

    • Wheelchairs for all participants: Ensure that each senior has access to a wheelchair.
    • A spacious and safe gaming area: Clear any obstacles to create a smooth playing surface.
    • Oversized balls: Use larger-than-average balls that are easy for seniors to grab. Placed at the center of the gaming area.
    • Stick Baskets: Attach a simple long stick, like a broom, to a plastic laundry basket. This setup allows seniors to capture balls from the ground with ease.
    seniors in wheelchair playing Hungry Hippos

    Game Instruction:

    In this wheelchair-accessible version of “Life-Size Hungry Hippos,” we’ve tailored the game to suit seniors’ preferences and abilities. Here’s how to set up the game for an inclusive and enjoyable experience:

    The “Senior Hippos”:

    • Each senior participant will take on the role of the “Hippo.”
    • Aged care staff will assist them in a wheelchair.
    • The Hippos will equip themselves with Stick Baskets to capture the balls.

    The Dedicated Aged Care Coordinators:

    • One dedicated aged care coordinator will assist the “Senior Hippo” in their quest for victory.
    • They will act as the “Pusher,” skillfully maneuvering the “Senior Hippo” by pushing their wheelchair toward the ball pile and helping them return to their home base..

    The Ball Collector:

    • One aged care coordinator will be responsible for being the “Ball Collector.”
    • Their task is to gather all the balls collected by the “Senior Hippo” and transfer them into a designated storage laundry basket.

    Counting the Balls:

    • The balls collected in the storage laundry basket will be counted toward the final score.

    Game Duration:

    • The game can conclude in two ways: either when all the balls have been collected, or after a maximum of 3 minutes of attempting to collect the balls.

    Determining the Winner:

    • A staff member will count the number of balls collected per round, and the scores will be averaged to decide the winner.
    An elderly lady playing hungry hippos

    The Hungry Hippos Game Objective:

    Each senior player’s objective is to collect as many balls as possible with their “Stick Baskets

    Seniors having fun with balls

    The Real-Life Hungry Hippos Champion:

    At the end of the rounds, it’s time to declare the real-life Hungry Hippos champion:

    • Count the number of balls held by each senior or team in their wheelchairs.
    • The senior or team with the most balls in their possession is crowned the real-life Hungry Hippos champion!
    An elderly man winning the game

    Seniors Embrace Big Fun

    Incorporating “Life-Size Hungry Hippos” into your aged care activities is a fantastic way to promote fun, social interaction, and inclusivity among seniors. This unique experience transforms the classic tabletop game into an exciting and memorable adventure, proving that age is just a number when it comes to having a blast. So, gather your wheelchairs, and oversized balls, and set the timer – it’s time to let seniors roll into a world of real-life Hungry Hippos fun!

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    Download your printable PDF copy of Hungry Hippos – Wheelchair-Friendly Exercise for Seniors