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    Let’s get our Seniors all involved in finishing these proverbs with our Popular Proverb Quiz! Quizzes like this are great to keep minds active and involved in verbal communication with the rest of the community. You can start by saying the first line and go around the room asking your group to call out the answers.

    elderly woman reading Popular Proverbs quiz

    Sometimes there are some funny answers and we all have a laugh! This activity is very popular, even some people with memory loss are quick to answer. It’s great to start with a quiz in the morning and finish off with this proverb game.

    A Printable A4 version of this quiz can be found at the bottom of this page.

    Its Benefits for Seniors:

    Engaging in quizzes can be a delightful activity for seniors in aged care, offering both mental stimulation and social connection. Here’s why:

    • Sharpens the Mind: Quizzes act like a mental workout, challenging memory and recall. This helps keep cognitive skills sharp and may even delay age-related decline.
    • Boosts Mood: Answering questions correctly triggers the release of dopamine, a feel-good chemical in the brain. This can elevate mood and promote a sense of accomplishment.
    • Connects People: You can do quizzes individually or in groups, encouraging conversation and friendly competition. This social interaction helps combat loneliness and isolation, common challenges for seniors in aged care.
    • Sparks Joy: Recalling trivia or learning new facts can be genuinely enjoyable. Quizzes provide a lighthearted and stimulating activity that brings a sense of fun and laughter.

    Answer the Popular Proverb Quiz Now!

    1. Where there’s a will – there’s a way

    2. There is more than one way – to skin a cat

    3. Give him an inch – and he will take a mile

    4. Seeing is – believing

    5. Never look a gift horse – in the mouth

    6. Like Father – like son

    7. Love makes the – world go round

    8. You can’t tell a book – by its cover

    9. Beggars can’t be – choosers

    10. A bird in the hand – is worth 2 in the bush

    11. Easier said – than done

    12. Tomorrow is – another day

    13. Time cures – all things

    14. Crime doesn’t – pay

    15. A rolling stone – gathers no moss

    16. Every man is his own – worst enemy

    17. Experience is the best – teacher

    18. Every dog has its – day

    19. Nothing ventured – nothing gained


    20. Cleanliness is next to – Godliness

    21. Curiosity killed – the cat

    22. Rats desert – a sinking ship

    23. A man’s home is – his castle

    24. Laughter is the best – medicine

    25. When in Rome – do what the Romans do

    26. Beauty is only – skin deep

    27. Opportunity seldom – knocks twice

    28. An apple a day – keeps the doctor away

    29. A friend in need – is a friend indeed

    30. Love is – blind

    31. Necessity is the mother of – inventions

    32. Variety is the – spice of life

    33. In for a penny – in for a pound 

    34. A stitch in time – saves nine

    35. There’s no smoke – without fire

    36. You can’t have your cake – and eat it

    37. Actions speak louder – than words 

    38. One good turn – deserves another


    39. Laughter is the best – medicine

    40. Ignorance is – bliss

    41. Every picture – tells a story

    42. Birds of a feather – flock together

    43. Life is just a bowl of – cherries

    44. Jack of all trades – master of none

    45. Business is – business

    46. Blood is thicker – than water

    47. Don’t put all your eggs – in one basket

    48. Marriages are made – in heaven

    49. Honesty is the – best policy

    50. Nothing is certain but – death and taxes

    51. Charity begins – at home

    52. Time is – money

    53. Make hay while the – sun shines

    54. One man’s loss – is another man’s gain

    55. Penny wise – pound foolish

    56. It takes two – to Tango

    57. The grass is always greener – on the other side 

    58. Business before – pleasure 

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