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    When most of us were growing up and we were children, money was scarce for many families. Experiencing and having childhood treats were very few and sometimes rare. Memory Lane Therapy offers a unique way to reminisce about these unforgettable treats of the past!

    Seniors recalling their childhood treats

    Unforgettable Childhood Treats

    Discuss with the group what sought of things as children were looked forward to and how regular did it happen. Here are a few ideas to start the conversation off and get the memories flowing. Sometimes some wonderful memories didn’t cost anything.

    1. New shoes may have been very important to many children growing up. New shoes in the winter after going barefoot all summer, ask the group if this was the case for them. Allow them to share their core memory that revolves around having new shoes.

    2. Having a new dress or pants and shirt from a catalog at the beginning of the school year is also a potential conversation starter. Ask them about their favorite clothing and how they rock these fashion trends in school.

    Seniors talking about their childhood treats memories

    3. A shopping trip to town once a fortnight with Mum to get groceries. And if you were lucky, a bag of boiled sweets from the store. These moments are simple, yet worth reminiscing. I’m sure that your seniors will always have stories about their grocery adventure with Mum.

    4. A small bottle of soda once every now and then, I’ve heard stories about children spitting in the bottle after opening it so no-one else would drink their cool drink treat. let your seniors share their soda experiences.


    5. Trip to the movies is one of the highlights of the late generation in terms of entertainment. Having no access to the internet, ask your residents about how they look forward to movie nights with the family and how much it means to them as a child.

    6. The regular take away meals of fish & chips or a burger at a fast food store. Those days where they savored the food on the way home from school while listening to Dad’s stories are worth remembering! Ask them about their experience.

    7. The day they went to a big store. They had a cafeteria where they could get lunch. They picked out their food from a display and sat down to eat. Surely, your seniors have experienced these retro scenarios and there are stories to tell. Hear them all out!

    seniors having a group conversation

    8. Going to your Grandparents and being spoiled by them with an outing at the store or Grandma making wonderful cakes or biscuits to enjoy. Everyone loves their Grandparents. Allow them to reminisce about grandpa and grandma and hear their tales.

    9. Perhaps one of the most iconic childhood treats that seniors experienced is the occasional ice cream cone. Allow them to share stories where they enjoyed their ice cream cone with their peers and family.

    10. They saved up their pocket money to go to the annual country fair. The childhood bliss that this experience offered is unforgettable and undeniably worth sharing. Hear their stories about their country fair chronicles.


    11. Enjoying a movie night at home with a projector is surely a simple yet unforgettable experience that every senior cherishes. How they shared blankets with their siblings while enjoying snacks prepared by Mum and Dad are golden memories that are worth recalling.

    12. A camping trip to the beach or bush with a campfire and marshmallows on sticks is a classic. Ask them about this experience and hear their stories and core moments!

    senior leading the childhood treat discussion

    13. A picnic with family and friends is for sure a classic memory for your residents. You can ask them about their favorite snacks, their picnic place, and the stories that they have about this topic.

    14. Buying lunch at the school canteen. Lining up with friends and anticipating the savory goods that they are about to have is a good story to tell. Ask them about their favorite lunch meal combo and some lunch tale that is worth remembering.

    A Trip Down the Memory Lane

    Let’s spark a wave of nostalgia! Share your most heartwarming childhood memories and the special treats that made them unforgettable. Whether it was a backyard picnic or a cozy night in with your family, let’s celebrate the simple pleasures of childhood and the delicious treats that made them even sweeter. Enjoy this fun and engaging activity that we crafted just for you!

    senior sharing their favorite childhood memory to a child visitor

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