How long since your aged care residents thought about or said a nursery rhyme? Our Nursery Rhymes Quiz will get everyone thinking back. Get ready to rhymes together! Let the residents say the whole rhyme after every question. Everyone will surely have a blast!

The A4 Printable version of the Nursery Rhymes Quiz can be found at the bottom of this page.
Its Benefits for Seniors:
Engaging in quizzes can be a delightful activity for seniors in aged care, offering both mental stimulation and social connection. Here’s why:
- Sharpens the Mind: Quizzes act like a mental workout, challenging memory and recall. This helps keep cognitive skills sharp and may even delay age-related decline.
- Boosts Mood: Answering questions correctly triggers the release of dopamine, a feel-good chemical in the brain. This can elevate mood and promote a sense of accomplishment.
- Connects People: You can do quizzes individually or in groups, encouraging conversation and friendly competition. This social interaction helps combat loneliness and isolation, common challenges for seniors in aged care.
- Sparks Joy: Recalling trivia or learning new facts can be genuinely enjoyable. Quizzes provide a lighthearted and stimulating activity that brings a sense of fun and laughter.
Answer the Nursery Rhymes Quiz
1. Mary had a little lamb, were did it follow her too?
(A) School
2. Why did old mother Hubbard go to the cupboard?
(A) To get her poor dog a bone
3. What a little boys made of?
(A) Frogs and snails and puppy dogs tails
4. What a little girls made of?
(A) Sugar and spice and all things nice
5. Who did the dish run away with?
(A) The spoon
6. How many black birds were in the pie?
(A) 4 & 20 or 24
7. What was Little Jack Horner eating in the corner?
(A) Christmas pie
8. What did Jack and Jill fetch from up on the hill?
(A) Fetch a pail of water
9. Mary Mary was quite contrary what did she grow in her garden?
(A) Silver bells and cockleshells and pretty maids all in a row
10. Little Miss Muffet sat on her tuffet eating her curds and whey, what sat down beside her?
(A) A spider
11. Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall, when he fell off the wall who couldn’t put him back together again?
(A) All the kings horses and all the kings men
12. What did Georgie Porgie do to the girls to make them cry?
(A) Kissed the girls
13. When it was raining and pouring what was the old man doing?
(A) Snoring
14. Who were the 3 men in the tub?
(A) The butcher, the baker, the candle stick maker
15. What did the farmers wife do to the 3 blind mice?
(A) Cut off their tails with a carving knife
16. What was Wee Willie Winkie wearing when he ran through the town?
(A) Night gown
17. Complete this ryhme: Insy wincy spider climbed up?
(A) The water spout
18. Mary had a little lamb, what colour was its fleece?
(A) As white as snow
19. There was an old lady who swallowed a fly, what did she swallow next to catch the fly?
(A) A spider
20. Peter Peter pumpkin eater had a wife, were did he keep her?
(A) In a pumpkin shell
21. Simple Simon met someone going to the fair, who?
(A) A pie man
22. How many bags of wool did baa baa black sheep have?
(A) 3 bags full
23. Pat a cake pat a cake bakers man bake me a cake as fast as you can, what letter of the alphabet did he mark the cake with?
(A) Roll it and pat it and mark it with B
24. Jack be nimble jumped over what?
(A) A candle stick
25. Old king Cole was a merry old soul, what did he call for?
(A) He called for his pipe and he called for his bowl and he called for his fiddlers 3
26. The owl and the pussy cat went to sea in what color boat?
(A) A beautiful pea green boat
27. How many men did the grand old Duke of York have?
(A) 10,000 men
28. In the rhyme Hey diddle diddle, who jumped over the moon
(A) The cow
29. Jack Sprat could eat no fat, what could Jacks wife not eat?
(A) No lean
30. Miss Molly had a dolly that was?
(A) Sick, sick, sick
31. What did little Bow Peep lose?
(A) Her sheep
32. There was an old women who lived in a shoe, she didn’t know what to do why?
(A) She had so many children
33. Peter Piper picked a peck of what?
(A) pickled peppers
34. Pussy cat pussy cat where have you been?
(A) His been to London to see the Queen