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    Most of our residents would have heard of Tupperware and may have hosted a Tupperware party or attended one at some time in their life.

    Tupperware parties were very popular in the 1970s and it was a chance to get all your friends and neighbours together. Groups of family members, friends and neighbours would gather at someones home often enjoying afternoon tea or an evening party with drinks and snacks and a couple of hours of socialising.

    A Tupperware consultant needed basic training on the products and what they were used for and the party plan “get-togethers” became very popular with Australian women, in fact, women all over the world. 

    Selling Tupperware was an opportunity to work part time, choose your own hours and still be able to look after the family. They were fun and gave you a chance to catch up with good friends, and if holding a party the benefits to get the latest products free or heavily discounted.

    How to host a Tupperware Party in Aged Care

    Send out official invitations

    Send out invitations to all the residents and staff before the big event. We have prepared an invitation for you, just click the image below – save and print it. We have left space at the bottom for you to fill in any extra details.

    Print this invitation

    Decorations & Dining

    Create a nice atmosphere with some colourful but simple dining presentations and serve some cake and biscuits. Encourage the residents to dress for a tea party.

    If anyone owns old Tupperware pieces they could be displayed on a table (Vintage Tupperware is very collectable now)

    Print out Vintage a Catalogue

    Printing some vintage catalogues is a good way to spark some memories and reminiscing. We have provided a 10 page printable vintage Tupperware catalogue for you, below are some sample pictures from the catalogue.

    Invite a Guest Speaker

    Invite a local Tupperware representative to come along and have a display of all the new Tupperware products on the market now and show them to everyone. Of course, our residents won’t want any products but their family members could join in and staff may be interested to buy something.

    Tupperware Games!

    If you are lucky enough to own a couple of “Shape-o-Toys” from Tupperware you could play a simple and fun game.

    How to play the “Shape-Ball” game:
    1. Have two teams at a time.
    2. Give everyone around the table a shape from the set.
    3. Pass the Shape-o-Ball around – everyone places their shape in the right hole and then passes it to the next person.
    4. The table to finish first by placing all the shapes in the ball wins a prize! (a small chocolate)


    Play the Points Game

    Create a list and award 10 points for everyone that checks the criteria.
    example of a list:

    for everyone that wears earrings give them 10 points
    wearing a dress,
    blue eyes,
    in a wheelchair,
    wearing glasses,
    made their bed this morning,
    went to church service this week,
    attended Bingo this week,
    if your outfit has buttons,
    Have been to a Tupperware party before.
    If you sold Tupperware (20 points)

    Have fun with the questions!
    The person with the most points at the end of the game wins a prize

    Have some fun Discussions and Questions about Tupperware

    Have a talk on the history of Tupperware.
    Share these facts:

    1. Tupperware was invented in 1946 by Earl Silas Tupper.
    2. Tupperware was first sold in stores but was not popular because people didn’t understand the lids with the Tupper seal also named the “burping seal” an airtight container.
    3. Tupperware has a lifetime guarantee.
    4. Every 2 .2 seconds a Tupperware party starts in the world.
    5. 1961 had the first Tupperware party in Australia.
    6. The Wonderbowl was the first Tupperware product introduced and had the “burp seal” it made a burping sound when the lid would seal.
    7. Indonesia buys the most Tupperware in the world.

    Some more facts in this article:

    Ask everyone what their favourite Tupperware product was that they owned.
    Did they attend parties?
    Did they host a party or were they a Tupperware consultant?
    Encourage reminiscing about attending Tupperware parties.

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